Monday, January 24, 2011

An Ode to My Cellphone

Dear Cell Phone,
Hello, my dear cell phone. How are you doing? I am not sure as I am trying to take the best care of you but it is really hard...
My smart cell phone, I am so sorry that I don't take a good care of you.. But please remember, you will be the only cellphone that I used for more than an year. Also that you are my favorite and best cell phone in all the cell phones that I used. Well, I once regretted for not buying a smart phone but buying you.. I am not regretting now^^ as you are the best phone that I had owned. I am very happy of you that you do many things for me such as calling, texting. and others... Thamk you for al  the things. Also..... I love you!!!
From, Sowon  (Sonia)

Out My Window- Compare and Contrast Essay

What do you see if you look out your window? Well, I see apartments and road with car running. Every house has different things that they can see out of their window. But also, they can see similar things of what  I see. I explored Amchok's house in Toronto by the site: High Rise: Out My Window. to , explain about Highrise before I go in to the main point, I will talk about Highrise. Highrise is a multi-year, multi-media, collaborative documentary project about the human experience in global vertical suburbs. Under the direction of documentary-maker Katerina Cizek, the HIGHRISE team will be making lots of things. Web-documentaries, live presentations, installations, mobile projects and yes, documentary films. We will use the acclaimed interventionist and participatory approaches of the award-winning National Film Board of Canada’s Filmmaker-in-Residence (FIR) project. Our scale will be global, but rooted firmly in the FIR philosophy — putting people, process, creativity, collaboration, and innovation first. (From highrise site) In this essay, I will compare and contrast the Amchok's house and my house.
     The similarities is that if we look out the window, we cam see the houses. Amchok can see the house and if I look outo the window in my house I can see the apartments. Also, our other similarity is that Amchok and I both have a family. If you see  the picture of Amchok's hose, we can see Amchok and his family eatinig food altogether sitting aroung a round table. In my house also,  we can see my 5 family member sitting in a circle, eating food.  Third, Amchok and I can see the tall builbigs, if we see out our window. If I look out my window, I can see the tall apartments and buildings. Also, Amchik can see the tall buildings if he looks out his house windows. Lastly, Amchok and I both live in a high rise. Amchok said he lives in a high rise, and also I used to live at 13th floor.
     The first difference of me and Amchok is that Amchok lives in other foreign country. Me, as a Korean, live at Korea. But Amchok is a Tibet person and lives at Toronto, Canada. People around me has blak hair, black eyes, yellow skinimilar to me. But, people who lives around Amchok has brown or blond hair, green or blue eyes with white skin. But, Amchok has blak hair, black eyes and a dark skin.
     The second difference iois that Amchok has a religion but I don't. Amchok said he could play a music for His Holliness when His Holliness visited Toronto. But, different like him, I don't have any religion.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Writing In the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Narratives

1st Person - This is the most common narrative, and is the one you do daily in your English Diary. Most people agree that this is the easiest to write.  But is it the most adventurous?
I woke up this morning a little bit late, and had to miss breakfast. I'm really looking forward to lunch!<- Mr.Garrioch

I had a hard time getting ready for my presentation. It was the worst night last night because I had to stay up the whole night without any sleep. Well, what happened was, I played the whole day forgetting about my presentation...

2nd Person-This one is the rarest, and we usually only see it in RPG video games.  That said, I like it because it kind of sounds like the "little voice in your head" that tells you what you often forget to tell yourself.
You wake up to the harsh sunlight, and realize you've slept in.  Your alarm clock! You forgot to set it.  As you swing your feet out of bed wearily, you also realize that you will have to skip breakfast.  Your stomach will be in constant agony until lunch! <- Mr. Garrioch

You was fighting yourself who wats to fight that girl who was being nasty to your sister. But a part of you knew that if you fight that girl, you will be the one getting in trouble. If you tell the teacher, the problem will be solved. But, you really really wanted to pay back to that girl for your sister...

3rd Person-This one is easy - it's the most common mode for fiction, and J.K. Rowling couldn't have pulled off Harry Potter with it.  It allows you, the writer, to act as God in an all-knowing "omniscient" way.  We sometimes say "omniscient narrator," as you can jump around from character to character and get inside their thoughts

Harry wakes up slowly, rubbing his eyes as they adjust to the sunlight.  His clock! He suddenly recalls that he forgot to set it. "Looks like I'm not eating breakfast..." he mourns regretfully.  "I'm going to be ravenous by noon!" <- Mr. Garrioch

Tara was thinking, "What if... What if, I sleep in the class and the teacher gets angry? Then I will get in trouble... But I will also get in trouble if I don't to my homework..." She was thinking what will happen if she doesn't do her homework or fall a sleep during the class. She was wondering if she should do her homework or sleep.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Ode

Waky Web Tales
An Ode
Radio Announcer: Thank you for tuning in today. We are here in USA to celebrate National Poetry Month. In just a moment, the nation's poet laureate, Shakespear, will read a poem about a(n) labtop. And here is Shakespear.

Shakespear: Thank you, everyone. This is a very worst poem I wrote about a(n) labtop.

An Ode to a(n) labtop

The labtop is as big as a(n) bag.
It reminds me of small mac books hating.
O, the labtop. O, the labtop!
What do worst people think when they see you for the first time?
Perhaps they know there are happy days ahead.
O, the labtop. O, the labtop!
For some, you are least amazing, but for others, you are amazing.
If we are reading, we pause when we think of you.
May you always like.
O, the labtop. O, the labtop!
The end.

Radio Announcer: On behalf of the poets, thank you for writing.

Ode that I wrote:
An Ode to computer
Computer is smart as any other men.
It reminds me of the labtop that I loved.
Do you know what people think about you?
They think you are amazing.
But I think I need to change you to another computer.

It is an ode that I wrote similar to what I wrote in Waky Web Tales.. It might be strage, but please do understand it...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Funny+Viral(?) Video

Waky Web Tales- The New Kids in School

The New Kids in School

This year is sure to be a(n) fun year at Ban Won Elementary School. There are several new kids at the school and they are working hard to make new friends. They just moved here from Cartoonville!
In the first grade, Minnie Mouse is the newest addition to the group. She is learning about sitting at a(n) dog and about history. In fourth grade, Mickey Mouse is studying policemen.
Both kids are trying hard to fit in. Since Minnie Mouse is a cartoon character, she can bend her arm unlike any other kid. This makes her really popular playing quiditch on the playground because she can get out of the way of the other kids very slowly. Mickey Mouse is also trying to fit in. He had many friends in his cartoon, but they do not live here. He's become popular because all the other kids are asking him what it is like to be a cartoon character, and what Pluto and Jjang Gu are really like. Both cartoon kids are sure to make this a special year!

This is a random story that you can make by putting random words on the blank. If you wan to try some go to :

Diamonte Poem #2

Today and Tomorrow

Think, Predictable,
Present, Important, Gift,
Enthusiasm, Now, Unpredictable, Plan,
Future, Prepare, Expectable,
Outlook, Prospect,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Diamonte Poem

Diamond and Rock

Shiny, Valuable,
Work, Ring, Expensive,
Beutiful, Polished, Normal, Black,
Nature, Usable, Not Polished,
Sand, Cheap,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring," what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his young student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.
     The film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring" is about a monk teaching his young student who was playing with animals by tying a rock aroung them. The monk who saw the young student play with animals ties a rock around the young student's waist at night. The young student begged to forgive him. So the monk said to the young student "Find every animals that you had played with and untie the rocks from them. If any of them die, you will have to have that rock forever in your mind." But when the ypung student goes to the stream to untie the animals, he found the fish dead and become upset. He feels better when he sees the frog alive, but starts to cry when he saw the snake dead, bleeding.
     The monk was trying to teach the young student a lesson. I think the lesson was ' respect the nature', 'consider your your actions' and 'life is always important no matter how small or big it is.'

Monday, January 10, 2011

First Day of GLPS that I remember

 It is hard for me to remember the feeling of the first day of  GLPS. I guess it is because it had been a week since then. But I remember one feeling: nervous and excited in one.
I guess I was nervous because I had no idea what the camp will be like, everything is new, and have no idea who my friend will be. But I also could feel excitement as I never went to boarding camp.
After my parents left, I started to chat with my new roommates. I actually had no idea how the teachers divided my friends and my self with ones who have similar personality. We got closer in about 3~5minutes and they were fanastic!! I was sure that we will haye a small argument but not recently.^^

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Viral Video - Annoying Orange

I hope that you will like this~^^~

If you want to see more of Annoying Orange go: Annoying Orange
      It is not easy to rank 1st place for the videos. This ranked 1st place this year and has 45,836,003 people who saw this video. Many other series of it had come out and is very popular. I will talk about the basic information of  this video, and why I think this is a viral video, then why I think it gives positive and negative effect.
      First, I will talk the basic information of this video. this video is made in October 9, 2009. The start of this video was about orange and apple. It will annoy you if ypu keep watchig it, but if you only watch it for once or twice it will make you laugh. This video is made by Dane Boedigheimer.A talking Orange first appeared in one of Boedigheimer's videos on March 16, 2007.The current show features a talking orange called The Annoying Orange, or just Orange, played by Dane Boedigheimer. Boedigheimer's partner Spencer Grove writes the episodes information from Wikepedia.
      Second, I think this video became viral because it is new that the orange talks. The orange with a yellow teeth and with blue eyes with an annying voice and laugh. What the orange talks about and what the orange joke about the other food is also funny. Also, how the other food anwer to the orange makes us laugh a lot. So, this is why I think it became a viral video.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Chain Writing-Alice Changed!! Class 24

THIS essay is written in class 24 in GLPS by my friend and my self. we turned paper in 10 minutes. You should try this!!
It's funny how the story turns out!!^^
->Does it make sense?Some parts didn't make sense but it was okay
->Do you like how it turned out? yes I did this was what  I expected
 ->How did it change? it changed that Alice became nice and kind
->What would you have done differently? no fighting (I hate violence)
Please enjoy my story^^

<Sonia>     Once upon a time, in a small town, a girl named Alice lived. She was known as an orphan girl who married for money, and the best gossiper in the town.  She was a pretty girl with white skin, black hair, blue-green eyes, tall, skinny, but mean. She had no friends except for ones whoact like friends in orther to get money.
<Annie>     One day, Alice was strolling by the lake with her husband. It was in night time. Beside her self and and her husband, 15 maids followed them in a row. "George, isn't that lake beutiful?" Alice asked her husband excitely. However George didn't answer her as usual. Alice's husband always ignores Alice, because he hates her same as the others. He wanted to divorce, but because of  his high status in society, he couldn't. Alice was dissapointed.
<Kevin>     Alice was angry that she went back home with her maids. When Alice's husband, George, came back home, Alice was gone. George was happy and asked his maids "Where did she go to?". But the maids didn't answer because Alice ordered them not to answer her husband. George got angry and wanted to fires the maids. Butif he fires them, the maids will be gone and he couldn't do his work well. Finally George decided to divorce with Alice. That time, Alicewas in her friend's house. She was complaining about her husband. Her friend was the queen of the country and letted Alice to live in the castle. George wasa servant to Alice's friend. As a result, both of them was trying to be apart from each other. George wantedto divorce withAlice, and Alice wanted to be away from George.
      After they divorced, Alice married a new husband who was rich. For the first few weeks, they lived happily.However, one day, George fiured out that Alice's new husband was one of his old waiters. George brokein to Alice's house to have a fight with the new husband, who knew where Alice was and was married to her!!
<Ace>     George kept hitting the maid and the maid was injured badly. George saw his bloody hand and clothes, and ran away. Alice told the police and the police tried to arrest him. But it wasn't easy as George was a kick-boxing  player before. Finally, George got arrested. Horray!!!
<Jenny> Alice becme a kind person by a new lesson. Alice lived happily ever after with her new husband.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!!

Hello, my name is Sonia Lee.
Right now I'm at GLPS.
This is my writing blog.
I will update the writings that I write in GLPS.
thank u~~^^~~