Monday, January 24, 2011

An Ode to My Cellphone

Dear Cell Phone,
Hello, my dear cell phone. How are you doing? I am not sure as I am trying to take the best care of you but it is really hard...
My smart cell phone, I am so sorry that I don't take a good care of you.. But please remember, you will be the only cellphone that I used for more than an year. Also that you are my favorite and best cell phone in all the cell phones that I used. Well, I once regretted for not buying a smart phone but buying you.. I am not regretting now^^ as you are the best phone that I had owned. I am very happy of you that you do many things for me such as calling, texting. and others... Thamk you for al  the things. Also..... I love you!!!
From, Sowon  (Sonia)

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